A difficult exercise to explain, but a very fun exercise to do. Stand in a circle. One player starts by pointing at another player and calling out a fruit. This player then puts their hand on their head, indicating that they have received a fruit, and points to another player calling out a different fruit. This repeats until all players have their hand on their head. In other words, every player has received a fruit.
Every fruit can only be used once. Now everyone can take their hand off their head (this is only needed for the first round) and afterwards the fruit is passed as is indicated in the example round. So the first player points to the person they pointed at in the first round and calls out the same piece of fruit. The player that was pointed at subsequently passes the fruit to the third player as they did in the first round.
So far the exercise is not very difficult, but the difficulty sets in once multiple things are passed at the same time. So after a few practice rounds with the fruit, a new category is added, for example colours, car brands etc. Another first round is played (Do not point at the same people as in the fruit round) while putting a hand on your head and subsequently passing stuff. Every player now has to pay attention whether they hear their fruit or colour (or car brand, if three things are passed) and subsequently pass it.
Example situation with four players: A, B, C, and D. In the first round fruit is passed: A -> D Apple, D -> C Pear, C -> B Banana, B -> A Kiwi fruit. This circle then has to be repeated continuously: when player C receives Pear they pass Banana to B, who in turn passes kiwi fruit to A etc. After a few rounds colours are also passed: D -> B Red, B -> C Yellow, C -> A Blue, A -> D Green. Player B now has to pay attention that if they receive Banana, they have to pass Kiwi fruit to A and if they receive the colour red, they have to pass Yellow to C.