Song in a certain musical style, in which there is a rap (rhythmic way of talking). N.B. Often there is made use of a human ...
Red Light, Green Light
Player A stands with their back to the other players, who form a line at a proper distance (~5 meter) from player A. The goal ...
This is a variation on “I am sorry”/”The wall”, in which the story is not only told, but also played out. Ask the audience for ...
A player (the reporter) leaves the room. The audience is asked for an event. When the reporter returns, they play a reporter at a location, ...
Rhyming game
A free improvisation is played in which there is spoken normally, but all the text ‘accidentally’ rhymes. This can be in a solid rhyme structure ...
Ridiculous Fashion Accessories
The game starts with a regular scene. When a teammate or the judges deem it necessary, they will clap their hands and request a ridiculous ...
In the Saloon a scene is played in which before the start a player leaves the room. This player breaks into the scene at a ...
Scene from a fairy tale
In the scene from a fairy tale, as the title makes you suspect, a scene from a fairy tale is played. Here you can focus ...
Scene with and without
Ask the audience for an object and play a short scene with it in which the object gets a crucial role. Then play the scene ...
Search engine
(hyperlink) The theatresports “Search engine” is a game that can change even the most basic suggestion from the audience (“swimming pool”) into something interesting. Explain ...
The audience is asked for a location or a relationship between two people. One of the two players (the guesser) leaves the room. Then you ...
Set up, finisher
The one team sets up a scene in an amount of time determined beforehand (for example a minute). The other team then takes over the ...
A player decides, together with the audience, what the setting on the stage is. This can be inside as well as outside. Inside this can ...
Four players are on the stage in a square with edges of 1,5 to 2 meters.They form a metaphorical revolving door with in between each ...
Sign language interpreter
Two players have an interview or a discussion. A third player portrays this with made up signs. N.B. give the interpreter the time to portray ...
Silent movie
The audience is asked for a fairy tale (or for the brave teams something less structured). Without text and slightly too fast (like in a ...
Sitting standing lying squatting
One person is allowed to SIT on stage, one person STANDS etc. The scene gets interesting when there are a lot of switches and if ...
In the game Slang the audience is asked for three words in an abstract dialect. Here, do not ask for the meaning of these words. ...
In the slap the scene is started by hitting someone in the face. Then in the rest of the scene it will follow why someone ...
An expert tells a story to their audience. To make the story more clear, they use some pictures that are represented by the other players ...
Sly Poetry
This game is a free improvisation, in which the players express the (cunning) motivation of their actions in the form of poetic fragments. While playing, ...
Small voice
In a free improvisation a small object suddenly appears to have a voice, voiced by a player from the side. Most of the time one ...
The audience is asked for a family business, and the players get different functions within this business (pay attention: it is nice if there is ...
Something else
Scene in which the side can shout “Something else!” once or multiple times. The player that just finished speaking then has to forget their previous ...