One person is a kind of director, the other players stand in a line with their backs facing the director. The director calls out: “The ...
They said, while they
This game is played with two players (one of each team). The first player asks “What are you doing?” the second player answers: “They said, ...
This is a song
In this is a song a scene is played in which someone from the side, by the players, or the judges can call out ‘this ...
Three in the pot
A short neutral scene is played after which one (remaining) player shouts ‘Freeze!’ and asks the audience for an emotion. The scene is then repeated ...
Tooth Decay
In an episode of South Park there is a musical in which Tooth Decay plays a role. Ask the audience for a thing that children ...
Torch song
Song in a specific, rural music style. A tearjerker is mostly very sad, while the torch song is often a lot more positive. This game ...
Tossing faces
All players stand in a circle. The first one pulls a face (For example one with a certain emotion), ‘pulls’ the emotion off their face ...
Total improv
In the total improv, the players make up a new game on the spot. This is often done by asking the audience for two letters, ...
Totino’s Touch
This is an exercise that “Schwung!” turned into a game because it creates nice play. It works well in a match when people are fidgety ...
Turning crazy
Two players get a situation and a relationship. As soon as one of the players on the side sees a nice emotion, they clap and ...
Two line vocabulary
A scene is played in which two of the players have the handicap that they are only allowed to use two sentences. You ask the ...
Ultimate hell
(Ulteamate hell) A combination of the cranberry plus and all of the dubs, named after and to honor Ulteam. When one player is on stage ...
The vet leaves the stage and does not hear what animals and corresponding issues the other players get assigned. The vet returns and receives in ...
In a secluded location some extreme characters play. When a ‘visitor’ suddenly comes in who desperately needs someone or wants to talk to someone (needs ...
Divide the groups in pairs. Player A says a word. Player B tries to, associating with this word, visualize a setting that they then very ...
Like in passing a clap an exercise with a lot of variations. The basis is simple: all players walk in straight lines criss-cross through the ...
There is an object that is asked from the audience. If someone possesses that object everything goes right, if someone does not have it, everything ...
Wanna bet?
For each of the players in the team a bet is asked, they have to complete this in the scene that follows. That scene is ...
We like this
In ‘We like this’ the team plays the same game the opponent just played.
What now?
The goal of this exercise is to figure out what your fellow player wants to play and with that be one step ahead of a ...
Win the shoe
The group is split into two such that group A has the same amount of players as group B. Each player from the group gets ...
World championship
(reporter) Two players play a scene in slow motion. The other two players give commentary, often in the roles of a reporter and an expert. ...
World’s Worst
The audience is asked for an action which is then performed in world’s worst way possible (the world’s worst way to catch a fish, to ...
Worldvision song contest
Three players each get a strange country. One after the other they jabber a song in the language of this country and they dance along ...